We Are Salta
Born as Vincent Massey Gymnastics Club in 1979,
SALTA Gymnastics Club started as a recreational achievement program initiated by founder Dick Brooks with the coaching assistance of Pat McRoberts. When the competitive program was introduced in 1980, a decision was made to look for a new location as the limited access to the school and daily set-up and take-down of the equipment was proving to be a challenge. That was also the year Salta became incorporated under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta as a Not-for-Profit organization.
On July 1, 1988, a portion of the former Racquet Time building was purchased from Stober Consolidated. The Vincent Massey Gymnastics Club officially changed its name to SALTA (Southern Alberta) Gymnastics Club.
In 1995 renovations were required as SALTA had grown substantially. A grant was obtained through the Community Facility Enhancement Program and work began. A diligent group of volunteers supplied 1154 hours of manpower tearing down the walls of two racquetball courts to create one large gymnasium. An above ground pit was constructed in another of the racquetball courts to accommodate safe training for the vault, bars, and floor.
Fast forward to 2000, SALTA was operating at maximum capacity and the Board of Directors started looking into a new facility or the possibility of expanding their current location. On December 6, 2001, a motion was made to form a Building Committee. Over the next year, the committee met with the City of Medicine Hat securing an interest-free loan. The committee was also successful in receiving a CIP (Community Initiatives Program) grant and two CFEP (Community Facility Enhancement Program) grants.
With the majority of funding in place, Salta purchased the adjacent bays next door. Over the summer months of 2004, a contractor was hired to expand the current gym area by another 4400 square feet for a total gym space of 8000 square feet.
The expanded gym has a new state of the art inground pit along with trampolines that were relocated to the main gym solving issues of overlapping gymnastics equipment. Today, SALTA Gymnastics Club boasts one of the finest gymnastics training facilities in Southern Alberta.